sabato 11 settembre 2010

Advanced Tricks

These are the tricks you will need to learn to progress through the JKA's Pre-Advanced and Advanced Level Tables. . Make sure you've learned all thebeginner's tricks first!

Around prefecture or 'Ken ishuu'
Hold the kendama using the Ken Grip so that the spike points upwards and the ball hangs at the end of the string. Pull the ball straight up and scoop the kendama underneath to catch the ball in the base cup. Then throw the ball up again and catch it on the spike.

Slip-on-stick or 'Ken saki suberi'
Hold the kendama using the Ken Grip so that the spike is parallel to the floor and the ball hangs at the end of the string. Pull the ball straight up and move the kendama underneath to catch the ball on the side of the spike, with the hole downwards. Then, without losing contact between the ball and the ken, slide the ball onto the spike.

Earth turn or 'Chikyuu mawashi'
Start with a Furiken, then spin the ball off the spike with exactly one turn, and catch it back on the spike.

Falling or 'Saka otoshi'
Perform a Toudai, and then finish by flipping the ken to catch the spike in the hole.

Reverse swing in or 'Ura furiken'
As Furiken, but the ball is swung in the other direction (ie towards you).

Around the cosmos or 'Uchuu ishuu'
Hold the ball in the Ken Grip and execute the following catches in order: Body catch (resting on the side of the spike); Spike; Small cup; Spike; Big cup; Spike; Base cup; Spike.

Bird or 'Uguisu' - view
Start as for Tomeken, but catch the ball with the hole resting on the edge of the big cup, and leaning against the spike. The ken is angled slightly for the catch. Hold still for 3 seconds.

Hanging pull-up-in or 'Tsurushi tomeken'
Hold the string so that the ball hangs down resting against the curve of the body of the ken (The top of the ball must be no higher than the tip of the spike). Throw the kendama up by the string, and with the same hand, grab the ken and catch the ball on the spike.

Jumping stick or 'Haneken'
Start with Hikouki, then flip the ken out of the hole 360˚ and catch the spike back in the hole again.

1 Flip aeroplane or 'Ikkaiten hikouki'
Start as for Hikouki, but give an extra tug on the string to make the ken flip an extra time before the catch.

Swing in Lighthouse or 'Ikkaiten toudai'
Swing the ken into a lighthouse catch, and hold for 3 seconds.

Slip grip special or 'Suberidome gokui'
Hold the kendama using the Secret Grip and pull the ball up to land balanced on the slip grip ridge. Hold for 3 seconds.

Bird fly over the valley or 'Uguisu no taniwatari'
Start as Uguisu, then throw the ball straight up and catch on the small cup edge, then catch on spike.

Lighthouse somersault or 'Toudai tonbogaeri'
Start with Toudai, then flip the ken 360˚ and catch back in lighthouse.

Hanging 1-flip aeroplane or 'Tsurushi ikkaiten hikouki'
Hold the string so that the ball hangs down resting against the curve of the body of the ken. Throw the kendama up away from you, then catch the ball, then catch the spike in the hole.

Swing flip lighthouse or 'Nikaiten toudai'
As Ikkaiten toudai, but the ken makes an extra flip before landing on the ball.

Please visit
Clicking on 'View' will link you to the Japanese Kendama Association's gif animations for the individual tricks

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